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The house improvement is moving along well.  It’s sounded like living inside of a thunderstorm, with a few earthquakes thrown in for good measure.  It hasn’t been particularly restful but for the most part the work has been outside of the house.

The old siding all stripped off and piled on the grass.

The original plan was to saw up all the old siding and use it for firewood, but then we heard about somebody who is building a garage and has pretty much no money for building materials.  So he came and hauled all this away and will recycle it for siding on his building.   The main thing is it is gone and we didn’t need to anything further with it.

This is what it looks like with the old siding. The sun room has the same cement board siding we're installing now, as well as one original wall on the sun room deck.

And this is what it looks like now.

No, it isn't foggy. That's dust from sawing one of the long cement boards lengthwise for the starting row.

And this is Dan wondering why he's outside breathing that stuff.

Then through the magic of time and a bunch of guys who have been here off and one for the last 3 weeks.

The little roof overhang on the second story is gone, and a new sliding window has been installed.

We discovered why that little roof had been put in place.  The guy who installed the first window did it wrong, and it ended up below the roof line for what was the original porch.  Planning!!!  So some interior remodeling was required and re-framing needed to be accomplished before the new window could be installed.  Now that upstairs bedroom has much needed cross-ventilation.

Soffits have been created, boxing in the ends of the rafters.

And the framing around all the windows is now consistent on the entire building.

Windows in the bird's room were very exciting for the parrots. For some reason they adore hullabaloo.

Well most of them do.  Opal objected so we moved her away from the windows, and dropped the shades so she didn’t see strange heads popping up.    Mishkin shared her dismay with having people around the house trying to tear it down around his head.  He is so happy today that there’s nobody here but us chickens.  He’s snuggled in a blanket on the chair next to my computer chair.

There’s still quite a bit of work left to do before painting can be done.  The siding isn’t completely installed and several more soffits on the back of the house need to be built. And then all the seams have to be caulked to seal up the outside of the house.  But it’s coming along.  This next week should be the end of the construction.

We are going to paint the entire building to match what we had done on the sun room and bedroom additions we made.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate.  It can’t get below 50 degrees when the paint is wet.


One Response to “Progress”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Oh my. What a great place you have then and now. I kept having to go back and look to see the new window you were talking about. Where you had to remove part of the roof that was first put one. Makes the house look so much bigger. The windows look great. So you will paint the new siding with the same color as your sun room is? Will be so nice. I love my siding. Did Dan have a face mask on when he was helping the man cutting the siding? I hope he did. Thanks for sharing. Now if the weather will cooperate like you said, would be nice.

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