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This week we started the actual construction of the walls.  Digging dirt is such hard work.  Dan kept telling me the entire time that smart people don’t use shovels and pry bars.  I’m not sure what that means 🙂

So far the walls are standing up, fairly straight, and well braced.

Today I’ve been watching to see when the sun will actually start hitting the greenhouse.  At 10am it’s still fairly well shaded.

There are four windows, on the east and west walls, two on each wall. The east wall also has a door.

We have heat sensitive brackets for the windows which will open and close the windows based on the temperatures inside the greenhouse.  The door has screen as well, so we will be able to give some extra ventilation to the greenhouse.

View from the west wall of the greenhouse. Mount Baldy still has snow on top.

I’ve showed the tomato plants the view from their new home, and much frond waving ensued.  I’m sure they were saying “Yay!”

So the plan for today is to get the center ridge beam built and installed.  And then tomorrow we’ll build the rafters and get them all braced against future snow loads for the coming winter.  And then we build the raised beds, and then we can move the dirt.  That dirt pile hasn’t gotten the least bit smaller as of yet.  And then we have to cover the building with plastic and get it all tacked down.  And then we can actually move the tomato plants, peppers, melons, herbs, and cucumbers into their new home.

No wonder the pepper plants weren’t as excited by the news as were the tomato plants.

Still seems like a lot of work.

By the front door, the Bleeding Heart plant is in full take over the garden space mode. Such a pretty plant, though, so we don't mind too much. We are going to try to restrain it a bit this year.

And now some levity.

"No, no! I won't join the circus!! I'm an indoor cat."

Mishkin hates my exercise ball.  Whenever I try to make him stand on top of it, he just has a fit, and refuses to touch it with his back feet.  And he makes faces, too.  No tricks for him!


One Response to “Greenhouse”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Thanks for the update. I do hope you have some help with this. Too much for 2 people. Love the cat. He is so pretty.

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