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Another pile of dirt.

Tuesday this week a truck showed up with a bunch of building materials on top of the flat bed.

Using the little forklift hitching a ride on the back of the truck, unloading all this stuff is pretty easy.

It doesn’t look like all that much stuff, really, but hand carrying it and moving it around would not have been very much fun.

The driver had to move the truck around a bit in order to give himself enough room to swing the long boards around and not hit the garage, or trees, or truck. It was interesting to watch how deftly he drove that little machine.

A bunch of work laying on the grass.

The first pile of covered boards is 2×10 cedar, a variety of lengths.  They will be used to make the raised beds in the greenhouse.  The middle pile is 6×6 treated lumber which will be foundation of the greenhouse.  The farthest pile is also treated lumber 2×6 boards, which will make the framework of the greenhouse.  Behind the tree are other materials, mostly half inch welded wire mesh which will go on the bottom of the raised beds in the greenhouse, and around the exterior of the garden fence.

Today the excavator showed up to haul topsoil down the hill from our upper 20 acres.

First, though, he used the backhoe to smooth out and level the place where we will build the greenhouse.

And then he started making trips up and down the hill, hauling one cubic yard of dirt each trip.

That's a big pile of dirt.

Really good topsoil, though, perfect consistency and a lot of organic material in the dirt.  It’s so close to the greenhouse that it should be fairly easy to move it once we have the raised beds in place.

The raised beds will be attached to both the foundation boards and the walls of of the greenhouse, and once they are full of dirt it should make the structure too heavy to be moved by high winds.

So now, all we have to do is put this all together.  A lot of work.

One Response to “Another pile of dirt.”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Man you do have a job ahead of you. Are you going to get help with all of this? I hope so
    You have such a beautiful home.

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