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Bird Entertainment, Inc.

He came back last evening, and we knew he was there because a riot erupted in the parrot’s room.  The sun was low in the western sky but it was still about half an hour until sunset.

Not as big as I thought he was the first time, only about 2.5 feet tall at the shoulder and around 250-300 pounds. A full grown bear, no babies in evidence, so probably a male.

See the grass sticking out of his mouth? And he's looking up at me.

I must have made some noise.  I had gone outside around the house to take his picture.   When he looked up at me, I snapped one more picture and turned around to go back into the house.  I discovered Dan had come outside with me (I didn’t know he was there), and Dan clapped his hands.  The bear skedaddled around the back of the garden.

And the bird entertainment was over for the evening.

Evidently they paid attention the other day when I pointed out the Bear Channel was live.  Mish has been watching the Bird Channel, Chipmunk Channel, and Deer Channel from the living room windows.  So much entertainment for our critters.

2 Responses to “Bird Entertainment, Inc.”

  1. laura kidd says:

    OMG Have any of the bears tried to get in your house? He looks pretty healthy.
    I’ll take foxes any day but I think they have found another place. Haven’t seen them in months.

  2. Karen says:

    No, they don’t try to get into houses around here. The greenhouse may be another story, and we won’t know until they try it. If they do, we’ll have to switch from the greenhouse visqueen plastic, to a hard plastic like plexiglass. Real glass is to heavy, too expensive, and too dangerous.

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