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Knitting and Seedlings

Yesterday I decided to stop fighting with my knitting graph and do something else with the project.  So I cast on 18 stitches.

Handspun Qiviut single plied with a silk thread, on size 1 needles. The yarn will fuzz up later when the finished project is washed and blocked.

I’ve thought about this project for so many years, it’s exciting to actually get started with the knitting part of things.  I’ll alternate between knitting and spinning.  I have 400 yards spun so far, and want to see how far it will take me on the pattern.

The first three teeth of the bottom border of the shawl are done. I have to create 37 or 40 teeth for the bottom border.

It all depends on whether or not I figure out the graph, how many teeth I have to knit.  The way I have it graphed now, I will need 40 teeth.  But I should be able to get it down to 37.  Theoretically.  I’ve only redone the exterior of the graph a dozen times, and it was making me very cranky yesterday.  Feeling better now that I have some knitting done 🙂

Baby tomato and pepper plants under their grow light.

We have five varieties of tomatoes and five varieties of peppers.  I’ve thinned the peat pots down to one plant each.  The tomato plants are too leggy but they are getting some good leaves so maybe it’s good enough.   Now they just need a home to live in.  In a couple of weeks we’ll plant the melon seeds.  The cucumber seeds can go directly in the raised beds in the greenhouse.    We will plant some herbs directly.  I think.  I might want to start those in pots.  Rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano, parsley are all I’m planning on planting in the greenhouse.

Woke up to snow on the ground this morning, but it’s already melted and warmed up to 37F.  Later this week it’s supposed to get really warm, to make up for all the cool weather.

One Response to “Knitting and Seedlings”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Hi, What you have knitted so far is beautiful.. I have tried to do it long time ago but never got the hang of it.
    The plants look pretty good. We were suppose to have snow but thank god only rain.

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