Feed on

Yesterday our first hummingbird of the season arrived, tanked up for a couple of hours, and then flew off to parts unknown.

The yard got white (albeit briefly), when the heavy rain turned to huge spring snowflakes.

This was just the sort of weather we were dreading might coincide with the arrival of the hummingbirds.  The snowfall lasted for a few hours, and then the sun came out, sorta, and all the snow went poof, at least at our elevation.  Across the valley from us the hills are all white again.

So Mishkin decided it was all just too much and he went into bug-in-a-rug mode.

Curled up, and hiding from the world.

"Why were you taking a picture, with a flash no less, and disturbing my nap?"

Well, what can I say?  I didn’t have a rug to hide under.

Banana bread made using my traditional recipe, and Einkorn flour. First time making it with this flour, so we're looking forward to having some once it cools off enough for slicing.

Nothing else happening.  We have planted potatoes and onions in the garden, and have started tomato and pepper plants.  And we have ordered the lumber and other materials with which to build a greenhouse.  As soon as the weight restrictions for trucks are off the local roads, we’ll get our materials.  Maybe next week.  And then the fun begins.

One Response to “The cat has the right idea.”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Hi again. I was going to comment on the picture of your garage the other day. It looks like a painting with the snow falling. Don’t you think? Very pretty. How did the bread turn out? I love banana bread.

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