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Snow Visitors

A couple of days ago we awoke to find an inch of snow had fallen overnight, and the world was coated with frost.  It was a very wintery sort of day, with dark clouds and no sunshine to brighten our day.  It suited my mood.

A very frosty Ponderosa Pine tree

A very frosty Ponderosa Pine tree

The weather is definitely moderating and the past couple of days we’ve seen temperatures above freezing, and the sun has come out to provide some much welcome power to the solar panels.  Even the chickadees are more cheerful sounding when it is so bright outside.  It is obvious they have spring fever; they sing and chase each other for the sheer delight in zooming in and out of tree branches and twigs.  Dan also has heard a Great Horned Owl claiming its territory in the mornings when the sun is just starting to peek over the horizon.

The snow is softening and looks all melted in drifts.

Still plenty of clouds to provide textural interest to the sky

Still plenty of clouds to provide textural interest to the sky

The morning after our recent snowfall, we went outside to split some firewood for the stoves, and discovered tracks from a recent visitor.

He was staring at the house, wondering what the racket was all about

He was staring at the house, wondering what the racket was all about

This cat has been a regular winter visitor and we have seen him, or her, twice so far.  On the recent visitation, it must have been before the sun was up as our parrots didn’t raise the alarm call.  They object greatly to all sorts of wild animals who cruise by the front of the house, from bobcats to deer to bears to goshawks.  Picky.

We sat out on the front deck and enjoyed the early spring sunshine.  It’s really hard to imagine but there will be hummingbirds here in only 10 weeks.

Smallest hummingbird in North America, Calliope

Smallest hummingbird in North America, Calliope

My goal this year is to get some hummingbird pictures on our front deck.  I imagine it will provide me with many hours of “entertainment” while I attempt to get them to cooperate and sit still for just one half a second.

No Responses to “Snow Visitors”

  1. Scooby says:

    You know I cannot wait to see hummingbird photos!! Those critters are a real treat to watch.

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