Feed on

We had Violet-green Swallows and Western Bluebirds in our yard, checking out the nest box on the front of our house.  That’s right, on March 8th, there were migratory birds here.

What brought this timing issue to my attention was whining about spring, which is what I was doing yesterday.  To cheer me up, Dan looked to see when the birds arrived last year, and told me of the impending arrival in only three weeks.

But, there’s two feet of snow on the ground out there!!!

Little white dots in the picture are fat lazy floating snowflakes

Little white dots in the picture are fat lazy floating snowflakes

While our seed feeders provide sustenance for the chickadees and their regular winter friends, swallows and bluebirds eat bugs.  There are spiders making their way into the house in pretty large numbers, providing great hunting opportunities for Mishkin, as well as the occasional snack.  But there is a distinct lack of the type of bugs which would feed migratory insectivores.

Solar panels with the latest sprinkling of flakes, and more falling

Solar panels with the latest sprinkling of flakes, and more falling

So… in three weeks this will all be gone, right?  Hmmmmmmm

The question is what to do in the meantime?  Our driveway is still pretty much a mess, but the inside of the house is cozy, and it is Sunday, and I’m making pizza for lunch.  Life is good, even if it is still winter outside.

No Responses to “Three weeks from now, last year…”

  1. Scooby says:

    As long as you two and Mishkin (& birds of course) are nice and cozy indoors. And, let’s see–pizza for lunch? What more could you want? Maybe a nice movie to watch?

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