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Aspens – October 12th

Fall moonsets are almost as spectacular as mid-winter moonsets. They are certainly more colorful.

Bright and full, the moon edges closer to the horizon.

As the sun rises, the high ice crystals take on a pink tint, and the sky along with horizon turns a brighter more intense blue, like a tropical ocean. The gold hills are so pretty in contrast.

Almost a month past the Equinox, the difference in available daylight is obvious.

The tall mountain forty miles to the west has a cap of snow lingering from the snowfall last week.  Colder nights means the snow will most likely remain now until next June.

Later in the day, the skys were overcast with some rain showers falling hither and yon. Not on our hither, but others benefited.

I’m sure the ski resort people are delighted to see an early snowfall.

Still mostly green, with colors edging into the grove from the sides. Some of the second story plants are turning color now. The canopy is hanging on.

A hint of the colors yet to come.

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