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Aspens – October 8th

Rain the past few days has been a forest fire season ending event.  The woods are nicely wet now.  Hurray.  That is always a nice feeling.

A break in the clouds, and fog lifting from the valley gave a pretty sunset on October 5th.

This was the most sunshine we had all day. An excellent day to stay inside and watch the world go by.

October 6th and 7th were pretty much more of the same, cloudy weather and intermittent rains.  When the clouds lifted, we saw termination dust on the tallest mountain we can see to the west.  It’s only a matter of time before snow visits us.

Fortunately our firewood guy delivered another batch this morning.

Work!  We still have one more row of firewood to fill up the front of the woodshed.  We put all this away this afternoon, filling the back section pretty much as high as I can reach, and making a good start on the second section, with the largest pieces going on the bottom.  Dan says that will be work for him later in the winter.

We picked the apples from the tree next to the aspen grove. One apple remains on the tree, too tall for either one of us to reach without a ladder.

Still green. I think they know they are having their picture taken, and they're hanging on to green-ness with all their might.

Trees next to the garden are turning. Ha! Only a matter of time and they will all get on the band wagon.

We went down the hill today to collect mail, and took a little drive up river to see how the Cottonwood trees are getting along with turning colors.

Starting to turn. This time of year the water is fairly low and smooth as glass unless the wind blows and ruffles the surface.

Some of them are farther along in changing, just like the aspens by our house.

Looking down river. Riffles where the river widens out and becomes shallower.

A very pretty early fall day.

Sunlight falling on some trees by the water makes their colors gleam like a reflection of the sunlight.

Not a very warm day, only 55F for the high temperature.  We used the cookstove this morning, and will need to start a fire in the woodstove in the livingroom this evening once the sun goes down.

Blueberry tarts.

I had some leftover pie crust dough, a few blueberries that didn’t get into pancakes for breakfast yesterday, and some maple syrup.  So I put them all together and added a little cinnamon, and baked some tarts.  It seemed like the only thing I should do with those various components.

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