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Building Projects

We have had a lot of building projects on our place, but the two biggest ones were a bedroom addition and a garage. The addition went onto the back of the old log part of the house and gave us a much cooler place to sleep. The previous bedroom was on the west side of the house and got a really good shot of sunshine late into the summer evenings. Now we sleep on the east side of the house and it has turned out to be much cooler indeed.


Our new garage was built where we had an old guest cabin/storage shed. Mostly it was used by various rodents and insects and wasn’t a very nice place at all. We now have a nice 2 car garage with lots of extra space for a shop area and storage. We extended one of the eaves to cover enough space to stack eight cords of firewood; keeping it nice and dry.


This summer we finished the painting and had seamless gutters installed. These projects were the last of our big projects. We still hope to build a deck on the back of the bedroom and put in a garden, but they will have to wait for next year.

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