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First Installment

I’ve noticed something. whenever there is an interesting celestial event like a full moon closer to the earth than normal, we have cloudy weather.  We do get interesting weather during celestial events, however.  Yesterday was no exception, but on the good side we did get a good fluffy five inches of snow for the first installment of two weather systems colliding over the top of our mountain.

Chickadees decorate our snow covered trees

Chickadees decorate our snow covered trees

Forecast is for heavy snowfall today, and a serious drop in temperatures.  The Canadian air mass is strong and already heading our way.  Yesterday, we occupied our time splitting enough firewood to fill the rack on the front deck, and getting the snowplow attached to the front of our Polaris Ranger.  We took care of grocery shopping the day before.  The main county road won’t be plowed until some time on Monday.  I will be able to pretend I’m snowed in until mid Monday morning.

Grey clouds heavy with moisture, awaiting cold air

Grey clouds heavy with moisture, awaiting cold air

Dan’s first question when he saw the snow accumulation was two words:  “Cinnamon Rolls?”  Perhaps today, if we get the foot of snow predicted.  Praying for snow here!

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