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First Real Snowfall

It has been an extremely uneventful week or so, just the way we like it.  Mostly we’ve been watching the few remaining leaves falling, and waiting for snow to fall.  We’d seen a few flakes falling, but couldn’t really say it was snowing, just ‘flaking.’  I’m really hoping for heavy snowfall this year.  I still keep hoping to get snowed in someday.

Sidewalk needs shoveling, but wait, it will just melt instead!

This morning we woke up to a world transformed overnight into white!  It’s so funny, but after just a few weeks of seeing snow everywhere, it becomes hard to imagine things being green again.  That is one of the best things about living somewhere with seasonal changes.  There is never enough time to get totally sick of one sort of weather pattern before it all changes.

The bird feeders are extremely popular this morning.

We changed the angle of the solar panels to compensate for the lower sun in the sky, and theoretically the snow will slide off easily.

Not going to see much solar gain from the panels today.  Even if we did brush them off the sky is overcast.  That means we will need to run the generator today.  And that means we need to put some gas in it.  And that means we need to go get some gasoline to put into the generator.  And that means we need to put on snow tires.  If it isn’t one thing….

They only come out at night... mostly.

The Snowshoe Hares are changing into their snow white winter coats, and we only have been seeing them at dusk or early morning, before it is really light enough to see.  This one was sitting on the sidewalk munching grass that was close enough to reach without getting his paws damp.  They will all be completely white in a few more days, at most.  They change so fast.  And then they will be very miffed at the snow melting, and there is nothing more dangerous than a miffed rabbit.  Monty Python documented that, once upon a time.

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