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Office Remodeling

I read an interesting article online the other day, which gave me an Idea.  Usually, when I say I have an Idea, Dan has learned to run.  This time, though, he is safe.

The Idea was on how to increase my daily exercise given that I mostly sit at a computer.  The article was about the health benefits of using an exercise ball for an office chair, and everything I found said that this would result in added calories used of 350 per day.  That equals 3 pounds a month, all things being equal.

Remodeling completed! I have a silly smile on my face because I am simply overly pleased with myself.

I’ve had this exercise ball for years and never really knew what to do with it, other than occasionally rolling it across the floor and creating a modicum of excitement among the parrots and the cat.  “It’s ALIVE!”

I put my computer on the end table next to the couch, so the height is perfect, and I’m sitting next to the wood stove, so the location is also perfect.

Mish isn’t so sure about this.  He keeps coming over and grabbing my arm to pull me off, so I snagged the little darlin’ and put him upside down in my lap.  This way he can help me work.

And the best thing of all is that I get to bounce all day without having to resort to extra caffeine, which has me bouncing off the ceiling if I have a bit too much.

Remodeling is fun!

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