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Blue Grouse Visits

Today we had a Blue Grouse visiting our front yard (the Dusky Grouse sub species.)  Such a pretty bird!

You can see the blue feather coloring on the neck and head.

The pictures a little fuzzy because we were taking them through the front door glass.  We didn’t want to scare the little guy away.

Keeping a beady eye on us, but not overly nervous.

Sitting next to the sidewalk is one of the pocket gopher mounds of dirt. I thought perhaps she was considering a dirt bath, but the dirt was a little bit too wet for such activity.

Delicate sculptured feathers.

Very calm, surveying the sidewalk and then wandering off through the brush and up the driveway.

We see these birds every fall since we moved here, but not at other times of year.  They are probably at the higher elevations.  The only other place we’ve seen these is in the high Cascade mountains.

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