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More sunsets

Summer time gives us more sunsets, especially if there are clouds in the area.  We seem to get two sorts of sunsets, ones with oranges and greens in the sky, or those that are red and blues.  It all depends on where the clouds are when the sun goes down.

Sun rays shooting up from a golden ball of light.

A molten orange glow shading into raspberry, and purple haze.

This last one in particular was pretty amazing.  That night there were multiple thunderstorms to the west and south of us.  While the sun was setting, bright orange bolts of lightning were criss-crossing the sky through the dark purple clouds.  I wasn’t so lucky as to catch one on the camera, so I merely watched the storm marching northward.  It was so hot and muggy.

Again today it is very hot.  The weather forecasters have promised cooling temperatures tomorrow and Sunday, but the cost is going to be thunderstorms.  We are in the height of fire season now.  The weather is very muggy today and the air feels heavy.

Furniture we bought early this week was delivered today, seats for the sunroom, and a small table which is the perfect height for my laptop.  It is going to be a great space for working and watching the world go by, from morning until things get too hot, and again after the sun goes down and cool air flows down the mountain and swirls around and into the sunroom windows.

Mishkin found the new chairs and table quite interesting momentarily, but then it was time for his afternoon siesta and off he went to steal Dan's computer chair. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I’m looking forward to watching the sunset this evening from my new chair!  I hope there is one.

3 Responses to “More sunsets”

  1. Kerry says:

    There’s only one thing I can find wrong with the new sunroom: no people in it, enjoying it!! And, those are really spectacular sunsets you are having!!!! Mishkin is smarter than the rest of us. Haha.

  2. Brandon says:

    The sunrays in the first foto are amazing!

  3. the other Dan says:

    Amazing photos 🙂 much too hot here as well…
    glad to hear your work conditions have improved 🙂

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