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Sun Influenced Landscapes

Sun rays remind me of classic landscape paintings from the Renaissance period, when it is filtering through the clouds and illuminating hillsides.

I can almost imagine a 14th century castle on the hillside.

The quality of the light and the colors can change from minute to minute.

A cloud drifted slightly and the sunlight intensified and brightened the world.

Sunsets continue to amaze us with their variety.

Nothing really spectacular but I love the contrast between the bright raspberry clouds and the pale blue of the sky far above.

Zoom lenses are fun to play with! The same sunset changes character entirely with a twist of the variable focus lense.

Speaking of changing things, this was really pretty before I took it out of the pan.  An experiment – apricot upside down cake which didn’t cook in the middle properly due to the fact I didn’t adjust the moisture content of the cake batter, or the baking time, to compensate for the fresh apricots.  I learned something though, and the next one will be better.

I managed to get it back into the oven to complete baking, and then we ate the evidence.

This was absolutely delicious, with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg to go with the intensely and totally ripe apricots.

Last night I made an apricot/peach crisp with the remainder of the fruit we got from the fruit stand.  Another trip will be in our immediate future as the only thing we have left is one small seedless watermelon.

Other than working and playing with our computers, not up to much of anything.  We have watched the first two “Toy Story” movies and it was funny just how interesting Mishkin found them.  I think they are his favorite movies.  He loves the little green toy soldiers, and his attention is completely focused on them when they are on the screen.  I’ve never met a cat that watched TV before, he continues to amaze us.

One Response to “Sun Influenced Landscapes”

  1. the other Dan says:

    Great photos 🙂

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