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Woodwork is finished

The walls, ceiling, window sills and trim around the outside of the windows and doors – it’s all done.  We need to do some cleaning, a bit of sanding and then more cleaning, before varnishing.  That’s our plan for the weekend.  Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we’ll go to town and get the paint supplies we need, including the blue painters’ tape so we aren’t having to scrape windows.

The floor is the last thing to be completed, and the room is basically square and it is level. It should be quickly installed next week.

We think we’ve identified all the problems and solved them, and it should be smooth sailing from here on.  Things remaining to be completed inside the room are to install the flooring concrete backer board, put down thinset mortar and lay the tiles, and then grout once it all dries.  Then clean and re-seal the tiles.  Then we can put in the outlets, switches, and light.

Dan will start setting traps this weekend for packrats.  The foundation is now rodent-proof (hopefully!)  We had another bear in the yard a couple of days ago.  Terry alerted us to the bear’s presence.  The bear left at fairly high speed, not caring for the sound of a macaw having a fit.

Outside we need to build the deck off the sun room (small landing where the firewood rack will sit.  The concrete under the deck is built and even has Chipmunk tracks in it.

In the immortal words of Alvin, "What's all over my feets???"

Siding for the sun room hasn’t been started yet and needs to be done before we can install the exterior light and outlet, and then we have to paint the outside.  Also remaining is to build the small deck and stairs outside our bedroom, and it also needs concrete pads built for the foundation.  Once all those things are done, then we can spread the dirt and gravel which are in huge piles in our yard and driveway.

Then we can plant grass seeds and sit back and watch the grass grow as the most exciting thing we have planned for the rest of the year.

Lilac outside our bedroom windows is in full bloom.

The Bleeding Heart plant by the front steps is taller this year, and with so much commotion around the place, it hasn't been munched flat by deer... yet.

Last year we mulched and fertilized the flower bed by the front door, and for the first time since we moved here, we have iris blooms. We have no idea what colors. A surprise!

There should be fawns soon, this week I think.  We’ve seen some pretty porky does in the fields.  They usually use our place for a nursery, so I hope all the construction is done by the end of next week.  Even if they do eat the daisies, the babies are just too cute for words.

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