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Five Plus Hours Later…

If anything went smoothly, I think I’d faint.  Fortunately for me, there’s not much risk of that happening anytime in the near future.

But, at last the French door between the living room and sun room has been installed.  It actually shuts, too, which is quite exciting in the overall scheme of things.

Mishkin finds this a very interesting door, and he puts his nose right at the bottom of it, the better to sniff.

Wide open the two rooms really feel like they could be one space. The pine walls are so pretty and we need to find some UV protective varnish to put on them. That will be our chore for the weekend.

We have sunshine today, to go with our sun room.  Three walls have the pine siding installed, as does the ceiling.  The wall with the French doors does not have any siding yet, as the door took over five hours to be installed today.

Trying to maintain absolute calm.

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