Another week winds to a close and our project is starting to actually look like something is happening. This weekend we have three whole days by ourselves and I’m hoping that we can put up the pine boards on three out of four of the interior walls, and the ceiling. The sliding glass door needs to be removed before the final wall is finished, and it’s a bit too heavy for us, I think. Who knows, we might get frisky!
We’ve been aiming toward thwarting rodent access from under the house. That is what started this whole process and have we succeeded in that aim? No, not even close. Most annoying but I’m trying to maintain absolute calm. Or some semblance of it anyway. I’m not succeeding in being cool, calm or collected particularly well today. I kind of feel like screaming at the moment. A hot shower should help!
Inside the room things are looking nicer and we can see how the room will be when it is finished.
It’s been a long several weeks. So much for our estimates of how long any of this would take, but it will be absolutely delightful when it is finished, and we can see the end to the mess is drawing near.
It’s really funny, but Mishkin won’t go beyond the sliding glass door. He will sniff but won’t poke his head over the threshold. I did carry him into the new room and told him it will be his most favorite place of all soon. He wasn’t so sure, and wasn’t interested in stepping on the floor. Silly kitty. He doesn’t approve of change.
It keeps raining, which is good I guess. We certainly need the moisture after such a dry winter, but we have this really big pile of dirt that needs to be spread around and right now all we would get is mud. Massive amounts of mud. Perhaps next week the weather will improve and we can have some sun with our sun room. Here’s hoping!