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Here Comes the Sun…room

First thing this morning, we sorted out the problem of differing heights of the floor between our existing living room and the sun room addition to the house.  It was a somewhat lengthy process but finally everybody understands what we want, and we all decided how to get there from here.

Once that was agreed upon, the exterior walls could be framed and are now supporting the roof, which is also now level for the first time since it was constructed!

Having the sun room on the west side of the house actually balances the entire structure. And what is more exciting is the expensive materials which were littering the yard are now being assembled where they belong. Always a nice feeling.

Tomorrow the framing will be completed, and sheathing the walls, Tyvek wrap, windows, an exterior door installed, and backfilled around the foundation.  This is all what we hope will be accomplished.  Time will tell, but things are starting to move along quickly.

We have also decided how we want the ceiling to be in the addition, a simpler framing than our original plan.  Sometimes, though, simpler is better.

We’ve been having amazingly cold weather.  Yesterday morning it was 29F when we woke up.  This morning it was in the mid 30’s.  And cooler weather is still in the forecast, along with rains.  That should make moving dirt around tomorrow muddy, to say the least!

Dark clouds tell the tale of things to come, sunshine will not be one of those things in our immediate future.

I've always loved the color contrast between heavy rain clouds and the fresh bright green of Aspen leaves.

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