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Happy Vernal Equinox

Yesterday was the first day of Spring!  We celebrated by going on a birding trip south of here, a four plus hour drive, to an area where Sandhill Cranes congregate while on migration.  There were flocks of them in the air, calling to each other about weather. flight plans, who has the longest legs, and other things of importance to cranes.  They have the neatest voices!!

A large flock resting by a pond, near a corn field.

More birds were flying in and landing, and then others would take to the skies.

Hard to count, but hundreds of birds were in this one field.

It’s so hard to explain to non-birders just how neat it is to see birds in this concentration, and listen to them.  Cranes, in particular, sound prehistoric.

Sandhill Cranes, Canada Goose, two Tundra Swans taking a nap, and ducks.

We also visited a national wildlife refuge down that direction, but didn’t have as much time to spend as we would have liked.  It took longer to get down there than we thought it would.  Oh well 🙂  what a nice way to spend the first day of spring.

Around here the local Snowshoe Hares are wishing that the mountain had just a wee bit more snow.

Global warming from a bunny's eye view.

There was a little frost on the ground but nowhere near enough from his perspective.

Mish just has fits when he sees these guys outside the window.  He so badly wants to get out and chase them around the ground.  They would leave him so far in the dust.

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