Feed on

We came home from our little trip down the hill to the mail box, Netflix movie in hand for this evening, and when I walked in the front door, Terry announced in no uncertain terms “Want a bath!!!”  Well, her wish is our command.

I started the shower and popped her in.

Splish, splash, I was taking a bath....

Splish, splash, I was taking a bath....

She looks rather like a drowned rat, in short order.  Mishkin was watching this activity closely from the safety of the dry side of the sliding glass doors.  Whenever Terry would spread her wings and squeal, Mishkin would jump back and run into the other room.

Since Terry was having such a grand time, Oro and Opal needed to share in the joy.

Rain drops keep falling on my head....

Rain drops keep falling on my head....

Oro LOVES a bath, and gets almost delirious with joy when the rain is falling.

Happy, happy, happy

Happy, happy, happy

Opal, on the other hand, thinks she’s being ax-murdered.  Run the vacuum cleaner, and she’s ready, willing and tries hard to be able to jump into her water dish for a bath.  She will fling water all over the floor.  But point the squirt bottle at her, and she says in an aggrieved voice, “GOOD birdie?!?!?”

Why's everybody always pickin' on me....

Why's everybody always pickin' on me....

We’ve never been able to convince her that baths are fun.

But, it's not even Saturday???

But, it's not even Saturday???

Mishkin was one very worried kitty.  He wasn’t sure what his birdie siblings had done to deserve such punishment as being drowned, but more importantly, he was worried that he was next!

Safe AND dry

Safe AND dry

I finished the first sock in my pair of plain wool socks, but I haven’t gotten around to fixing the pattern instructions.  I have, however, figured out how to make the sock, and will get around to fixing the pattern later.  Where have I heard this before?

One down, one to go

One down, one to go

I was thinking about decorating this pair with knitted leaves, flowers, maybe some beads.  The good thing is it only takes a few evenings while watching TV to make one of these.

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