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I’ve been making this sock pattern for worsted wool winter socks since 1978, but only periodically.  And, every time I do make them, I wonder what in the world I was thinking when I wrote the pattern down, and I tell myself to fix it so I don’t have to figure out what my younger self might have had in mind at the time.  Maybe this time I will actually take care of a translation.

Plain, thick wool socks that fit

Plain, thick wool socks that fit

I started this pair a couple of evenings ago.  It is nice mindless knitting in combination with watching TV and fending off kitty paws and teeth, plus if I am unsuccessful in defending it from the monster, and he pulls needles out of a row, it is easy to pick up the stitches, unlike lace knitting.

Getting comfy for watching "kitty TV" aka birds outdoors

Getting comfy for watching "kitty TV" aka birds outdoors

Mishkin has a favorite spot in front of the sliding glass doors onto the front deck.  He can dive under this little throw rug from a full speed run around the end of the couch.  Then, we hear funny sounds emanating from the rug as he tells himself about what he would do with outdoor birds if only he was not an indoor kitty.

Cat?  What cat?

Cat? What cat?

Here he is in full camouflage watching the busy bush in front of the deck, which was swarming with chickadees.  When he tires of birdwatching, he will crawl around the floor still wearing the rug, and talking to himself.  Nothing wrong with this kitten!!!  He is so dark that he virtually disappears when he is hidden this way, and we always have to pat the hump in the rug to make sure it isn’t occupied, prior to heading outside.

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