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For my next project, I’m going to finish an old project.  This assumes I can figure out where I was on the pattern when I stopped, which so far is eluding me.

I may be around row 245, but that's just an approximation. This particular pattern is 736 rows for the body of the scarf.

This style of knitting traditionally uses a handspun yarn, two ply, cashmere for one thread and pure silk thread for the second.  There are no yarns available commercially that begin to come close to the thin yarns produced by hand, so I am spinning my own yarn for this project.  I may have spun half the yarn that I need to complete this project, which means after I get the pattern transferred to my computer, so I can knit while watching television, I will have to find the little bag of cashmere fluff that I have used so far.  I want to have some continuity in color, even with a natural colored yarn.

This shows the scale of the yarn very well. This is a normal grain of dry white rice laying next to my hand spun yarn. The sheen of the silk thread is visible.

The silk I use is a commercial yarn from Treenway Silks, out of Canada, a two-ply silk yarn which is slightly heavier than sewing thread.  I have lots of yardage for the white silk left, but in my mind I have another project.  I have a lot of bags of Qiviut, the fiber from Muskox; it’s even softer and warmer than cashmere.  It is not cream or white, and so I will have to get a custom dyed silk thread made to match the warm rusty brown of the Qiviut.  First things first, and that means finishing this project at long last.

When I figure out where I am.  I’m very lost right now and I don’t remember what I did to figure out the pattern in the first place, which isn’t helping matters one bit.  Good thing I like challenges.

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