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Snowshoe Hares are pretty much snow white this time of year, because the landscape is snow white, right?  This particular bunny lives next to the woodshed and we see him frequently when we walk around the side of the garage.

"I'm invisible."

Normally this little bunny would be able to sit in plain sight, and completely blend into the background.  Fortunately, they aren’t very smart little guys, or they would be very upset by this turn of events.

He's a bit confused, besides being totally visible. He's munching a mouthful of needles. That is what Spruce Grouse eat, and last time we looked, he isn't one of those. Perhaps he's confused more than usual.

Munch, munch, munch. Happy invisible bunny.

"Why is he looking at me? He can't see me... can he?" One can almost see the two brain cells connecting.

While subtle evidence of global warming is lurking in the front yard, inside our house another drama was played out.  This morning when we woke up, Mishkin swore up one side and down the other that there was a mouse in the shoes by the front door.  Dan moved shoes around and shook them, and no mouse appeared.  So we disputed Mishkin’s claims of a mouse.

An hour later, he was still insisting a mouse was lurking.  He kept trying to climb into Dan’s boot but he didn’t fit.  I picked up the boot and without thinking about it too hard….   In my defense, I assumed Mish was wrong about a mouse.  My fingertips encountered a warm furry thing that squeaked, and I didn’t drop the boot!  I did set it down quickly, complimented Mish on the accuracy of his report, and then handed the boot to Dan for mouse removal.  It was his boot, after all!  He took it outside and whacked it several times on the deck, and out flew a mouse.

All is well that ends well, right?  Depends on your point of view.  Mish was most annoyed that the mouse got away.  But he did his job, the mouse is out of the house, and I didn’t get bit.

The evening sky was interesting as the sun was setting today; high overcast and no visible sun, except that the clouds were painting the world in a rosy purple glow.  It was just amazing looking during the brief time it lasts.

It does this every now and then, and each time it is surprising.

It was a little dark to be trying to take a picture and everything is a bit out of focus.  But the worst thing of all, from a bunny perspective, is that they are still every bit as visible against a rose background as they are against a brown background.

All day I’ve been working on getting my lace knitting program onto my computer, and it slow going.  I THINK I’ve gotten the bottom border done properly, but I may be wrong and I’m a bit too cross-eyed to look at it more today.  It will be very cool when it is on my computer, hopefully before the end of the year.

Bottom border, and the right side border are completed up to about row 685. The top border will mirror the bottom border, and that's my next part of the pattern to work on completing.

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