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Happy Autumnal Equinox

First day of fall – my favorite season!

I was experimenting today with my bread recipes and made a batch of cinnamon pecan sticky buns.

A successful experiment

A successful experiment but more cinnamon won't hurt a thing.

This morning Mishkin told Dan that he had cornered a mouse under the bag that we use to bring firewood into the house.  Dan moved the bag and, oh joy, oh rapture, Mishkin had his mouse to play with.  He took it upstairs to the exercise room and promptly released it.  The mouse took the opportunity to hide into the elliptical exercise machine.  Sigh.  Mish has been up there all day and the mouse won’t come out and play.  Sigh.

Yesterday we went to the building supply store and picked up materials we need to finish the pantry window inside and out, and the sheetrock in the basement.  More remodeling fun and games!  And I think we’ve come up with a plan on a couple other problem areas that needed to be solved.  That will be for next year.

No Responses to “Happy Autumnal Equinox”

  1. Kerry says:

    That’s quite a segway: from cinnamon pecan sticky buns to live mouse on the loose!!!!!

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