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Muffin Monday

The “Bangles” wrote a song about this, “It’s Just Another Muffin Monday,” and so it was my theme song for the day.

Blueberry muffins with a strusel nut topping

Blueberry muffins with a strusel nut topping; there aren't this many muffins left as of the posting of this picture....

I’m baking a loaf of bread as well.  Dan is playing music and entertaining us.  Terry is on bear lookout watch today; she spotted a large cinnamon brown black bear coming up the hill out by the garage.  It didn’t approach any closer than that as it didn’t like the sounds Terry was making.  Mishkin never had a chance of seeing the bear as he runs too quickly up to his bedroom.  We were trying to figure out how many individual bears we’ve seen so far this year, and it must be at least eight of them.  We’ve seen several of those on multiple occasions.

Last week we had to saw our way out of the driveway to go to the post office.  One of our bear neighbors was pulling choke cherry bushes down and across the driveway.  These bushes are a good 20 feet tall and quite heavy, and even after we sawed them up and threw them out into the woods, he dragged them back out again.  A brat bear but then, aren’t they all?

I’ve been working on a new knitting project from a patterns book called “Folk Shawls.”  This is from Norway and is called Box Lace, an adaptation from a weaving project.

One one-third completed, it is starting to progress towards completion fairly quickly.

One one-third completed, it is starting to progress towards completion fairly quickly.

The variegated yarn is in some of my most favorite shades of blue, and like all lace patterns the final result is still a matter of imagination.  Blocking is where the magic happens.

The pattern is an all-over repeat of little boxes defined by borders.

The pattern is an all-over repeat of little boxes defined by borders.

I have finally managed to learn the pattern and now I just just my chart on the computer to keep track of where I am within the repeat.

We had company over the weekend, a good friend of mine for many years now, approaching 20 years which boggles the mind.  I remember when she was just a baby! 🙂

Such fun to take her around on walks in the woods and show her around in the middle of nowhere.

Such fun to take her around on walks in the woods and show her around in the middle of nowhere.

No Responses to “Muffin Monday”

  1. Kerry says:

    Muffin Monday? Is this the same group I am thinking of? Uh, I’m wondering what time has done to us all!!!!

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