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Clever Mishkin

This afternoon Terry was out for some attention and Mishkin was really wanting to come over to the couch and participate in the attention. But he knows he isn’t allowed to come that close to his sibling.

He came as close as he dared, between the chair and the couch, and watched Terry getting her head fluffed.  I told him, “Don’t EVEN think about it.”  And he turned and scampered away.  He repeated this a couple of times, and he was really quite good about not approaching close enough to get into trouble, even though it was very obvious he wanted to be right up in my lap!

For a while he lay in the kitchen doorway, continuing to watch, and then he disappeared from view.  We could hear him beginning to play with his toy mouse that he had left under the kitchen cabinet.

And then he figured it out.  If he brought me his mouse to throw, that wouldn’t count as trying to get close to the bird.  That would just be bringing me his mouse to throw.  He had the most innocent expression on his little cat face.

What a smart cat!  I was impressed by his logic.

One Response to “Clever Mishkin”

  1. Kerry says:

    Now, that is certainly a whole lot smarter than any cat I have ever seen!!!! Hahahahaha.

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