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Fall Breakfast

A cool morning, 41F (5C), and the house is delightfully cool.  There is only thing to do under such circumstances.  We must start a fire in the cookstove to take the chill off the house.  And then there is only one thing to do with a hot stove…  cook breakfast.

This potato pancake is my own recipe, modified to use rice flour now instead of wheat.  In this particular recipe it makes no difference to the taste.

This potato pancake is my own recipe, modified to use rice flour now instead of wheat. In this particular recipe it makes no difference to the taste or texture.

Yummmm.   Water heating in the teapot for a second pot of tea, and the pancake is ready to serve to all and sundry.  Almost all, I should say.  The poor Mishcreant doesn’t get any potato pancake and he follows me around when I’m giving some to the birds.  Species discrimination, most definitely.

Slaving over a hot stove is a wonderful way to start my day on an early fall morning.  Dan told me not to get too used to this as the weather gods have plans for higher temperatures later this week.  Oh well.

Clouds have lifted from around our house and fog has settled into the valley.  More brush in front of our deck is starting to change color.

Clouds have lifted from around our house and fog has settled into the valley. More brush is starting to change color, this time in front of our deck.

We can’t see the top of Mount Baldy; it wears a cloud cap this morning, no doubt warming its little baldy head.  My hope is the snow will be melted by the time the hat is gone.

Since it looks like rains will hold off for a while today, we’ll finish stacking the rest of the wood, and perhaps split another couple of wheelbarrows of firewood for the front deck rack to hold.

Mish has been playing vigorously with his toy mouse this morning, chasing it and bringing it back to me and hiding it in my slippers.  If I ignore him, he jumps up and grabs my hand with both paws, pulling it down and projecting mind control thought waves as urgently as possible.  He looks so serious when he does that.  What a funny cat!!

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