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This morning when Dan was checking the weather report to see what was in store, he saw that there was a red flag warning for today for extreme fire danger from thunderstorms.

The bright white cloud on the right side of this picture connects to the bright white cloud on the left in the next picture.

The bright white cloud on the right side of this picture connects to the bright white cloud on the left in the next picture.

These clouds are rumbling and producing a lot of rain, but not lighning.  Whew!

These clouds are rumbling and producing a lot of wind, and some rain, but not lightning. Whew!

Earlier today a much larger and darker thunderstorm rolled through, and it did have lightning, hail, rain and heavy winds.  It moved so fast.

Spoke too soon, lightning has arrived.  Better post this while I can!

An exciting day.  Mish doesn’t seem to care about thunder and lightning; what a strange cat he is!  The birds never have cared about storms.  We theorize that it is because we watch too many movies with car chases, and explosions.  We may have warped their little minds.

No Responses to “Thunderstorms”

  1. Kat says:

    I want to try all the recipes and will start today!
    This is so awesome! As usual, you are on the leading edge
    Ohhh I want to do this but my photos and cooking are not as good, so maybe I will do it on dementia care…now that sounds like a fun website! Not.
    Give your big ole hubbie a squeeze,
    Keep up the good work,
    Love and misses,

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