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Few things in life are a joyful as a macaw taking a long hot shower.

She has lots of new pinfeathers and the warm water helps her to get over this feather growing stage.

She has lots of new pinfeathers and the warm water helps her to get over this feather growing stage.

She likes it when the water is deep enough to spread her wings and pretend she is flying through the water.

She likes it when the water is deep enough to spread her wings and pretend she is flying through the water.

She drinks a lot of water when she’s taking a shower.  A wet bird, inside and out.  It takes her many hours to dry completely, and she just gleams with iridescent blues and golds.  Opal was worried when I put Terry back into her cage.  Her comment was a very concerned, “Good bird?!”    She hoped she was not slated for a bath.  Oro also got a bath and was quite pleased with that development.

Yesterday was our 34th anniversary.

Dan was 26 and I was 18.  Were we ever really this young?  It still feels like we are most of the time, which is a good thing, I think!

Dan was 26 and I was 18. Were we ever really this young? It still feels like we are most of the time, which is a good thing, I think! It does explain the childish behavior.

I still like to stand on things so I’m taller than Dan.  Some things never change.

Today we had a chipmunk figure out what windows are for.  The little guy hopped up on a windowsill and posed, ready for action.  Mishkin charged the window, and the chipmunk hopped down onto the deck, and scratched his head vigorously while looking back at the cat.  Then he hopped onto another windowsill and repeated the pose.  Mish, of course, complied by charging the window again.  The chipmunk was amused, as was I.  Terry thought it was funny, too.  She says, “What’s that??” and these days inevitably when she makes that remark, she is referring to the cat.  Opal just squeaks about things.  Eventually Mish retired from the field of battle and went upstairs where he was safe from mocking chipmunks.  That was hours ago and he hasn’t returned downstairs yet.  I’m sure he is busy dreaming of a different outcome.

Less smoke in the air today, but very warm temperatures.  This coming weekend the forecast is for a radical change in weather, thirty degrees cooler and rain.  That may be the real end of forest fire danger.  Hope so!  Our firewood is supposed to be delivered this coming weekend, and we will spend many hours moving it from a large pile to under cover in the woodshed.

Speaking of riots, last night we had a deer party under the plum tree.  One doe with a fawn has claimed the bounty for her own, and she spent last night chasing interlopers through the brush.   She was not being quiet about it either.  It’s amazing how loud her hooves are on the packed ground, when crashing into twigs and branches.  This is going to continue for a while as there are many plums yet to fall.

Soon we will have fall foilage to take pictures of; it’s my favorite time of year and it is just around the corner.

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