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It just makes for somewhat boring pictures.

It has been a very snowy winter this year, but never a huge amount at any one time, just four inches here, five inches there, enough to lull us into a false sense of not needing to plow the driveway.  Again.

Got another four inches of snow again last night, after a few days of slightly above freezing and some melting and settling of the snow on the ground.  Definitely above two feet on the ground again.

Looking out the front door to the deer trail coming down the hill.

Looking out the front door to the deer trail coming down the hill.  The snow has completely covered their trail.

The does are getting snarky with their fawns, grumbling about sharing the seeds that fall on the ground out of our feeders, courtesy of the picky chickadees who grab a seed and say, “Not that one,” “Not that one,” “Oh, this one is good.  Oops dropped it,” “Not that one,” “Not that one.”  Etc.  With a herd of at fifty chickadees, they go through a lot of seeds this way.

Looking at the trees behind the house, all covered with snow again. Lots of snow on the roof, and a snowy path which needs shoveling.

Looking at the trees behind the house, all covered with snow again. Lots of snow on the roof, and a snowy path which needs shoveling.

The heavy snows which had weighed down the plum tree, broke one of the major branches and it is now hanging loose on the left side of the tree, hanging by a strip of bark.  Dan trimmed part of it off that was blocking the sidewalk.

Looking southwest down the hill, more snowy trees and we're in our usual fog bank.

Looking southwest down the hill, more snowy trees and we’re in our usual fog bank.

Look how much snow is piled against the sides of the greenhouse. When the new batch falls off later today, it may reach the roofline.

Look how much snow is piled against the sides of the greenhouse. When the new batch falls off later today, it may reach the roofline.

Wednesday morning started off spectacularly with the lunar eclipse.  We got up in plenty of time to see it, a blood red full moon high in the sky, surrounded by stars.  And while Dan was watching it, a meteor went by the moon, just to add that something extra.  I wish our camera was good enough to capture just how beautiful it was, but it was too dark.  It wasn’t that cold, only about 20 degrees, and the snow was all sparkles around our feet.

The sky stayed clear throughout the entire eclipse.  Just so beautiful!!

I did manage to get a picture of the full moon as it was close to setting, only partially obscured by clouds.

I did manage to get a picture of the full moon as it was close to setting, only partially obscured by clouds which were low on the western horizon.

One Response to “There’s only so much you can do with white.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Hi Haven’t been on in a while. Same o same here. You sure have a lot of snow, Maybe 6 inches about a week ago. Gone now. We sure need it bad. You at least got a small look at the super moon. I got up when they said we would see it and clouds so I just climbed back in bed. Oh well I am sure I will not be around for the next one.

    All is ok with me, hope all is well there. till next time love me

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