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Getting organized.

Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?  I wonder what it would be like, being organized.  Chances are I’ll never know 🙂  Oh well.

This is Tootsie.

This is Tootsie.

My latest knitting project.  She needs to pull herself together, and I’d manage that if I could figure out for sure how all the parts fit.  The pattern instructions are clear and concise – sew it together.   Hmmmmm.  Still working on it.  If I was organized….  and had a camera battery I could take a picture of Tootsie when she’s finished.  That’s supposed to arrive tomorrow.

New desks. Yay!!

New desks. Yay!!

This is definitely a step in the right direction towards being organized.  I’ve been using a laptop desk to hold my laptop computer, and thinking about having a built-in desk area where Dan had his desk and the audio-visual equipment, aka TV and accounterments, plus laps, and other miscellaneous things resided.  Finally we decided to just buy a few simple desks and set them up next to each other.  And we bought two lamps for the end tables in the livingroom which are cordless.  They use a rechargeable lithium ion battery.  Just plug those in and the lamps work for 20 hours.  No more extension cord across the floor to get in the way.  That is such an improvement!!

My new desk works really well and I’ve stopped tipping the laptop over!   And the risk of spilling tea all over the keyboard is way down.

So, check that desk organization wish-list item off the list, and on to the next.  We have ordered some honeycomb shades for the sunroom which should be here next week at some point, and we’ll put them up.  That will make sure when it is winter outside and really cold that we can give the birds some thermal shelter from cold temperatures near the windows.

We did some other things to get organized.  We moved the solar panel angle to the winter more vertical slant, which catches more sunlight now that the sun is lower in the sky.

We had a killing frost finally, and we have harvested the tomatoes and peppers from the greenhouse.  Beets, carrots and swiss chard don’t care, so they are still in place.

We need to put the garden to bed and pull the shade off the greenhouse.  I guess we’ll do that this weekend.

I might even do some filing of paperwork that has been cluttering up the living room for way longer than I want to admit to.

Organization remains elusive but a noble goal 🙂

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