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Aspens are turning color, and soon the wind will strip the leaves from the trees.

Still waiting for precipation and we were hoping for it in the form of rain. Looks like we might see snow first, instead.

Still waiting for precipation and we were hoping for it in the form of rain. Looks like we might see snow first, instead.  It was 22F this morning.  That comes under the heading of Brrrrrrrrrrr.

The grass in the front yard is super dry.  Hard to believe, but it will be green again next spring when the snow melts away.

We love this view of the fall aspen grove - white trees, green and gold leaves, and bright blue sky.

We love this view of the fall aspen grove – white trees, green and gold leaves, and bright blue sky.

Did some baking today with the last of the apples we picked from our tree.  We still have some eating apples left.  They won’t last much longer and we will have eaten the entire harvest.  Next year should be better.

Got to love apples and cinnamon bubbling out of the oven.

Got to love apples and cinnamon still bubbling hot, and just out of the oven.

Doing more knitting.  Finished an acorn and now I’m working on a bluebird.

This is about 1-1/4 inches tall and less than an inch in diameter. I think this is just one of the cutest things and I want to knit a whole bunch of them, but can't imagine any use in doing so. Other than entertainment :)

This is about 1-1/4 inches tall and less than an inch in diameter. I think this is just one of the cutest things and I want to knit a whole bunch of them, but can’t imagine any use in doing so. Other than entertainment 🙂

I have probably 20 more ornaments to make, and roughly 2 months in which to make them.  I need to stop goofing off and get busy.

One Response to “Fall.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Good Morning Your house looks so nice. I know about the moisture lacking. I did have 6″ inches of snow last Monday Only last one day but helped. I am having a man, well he is a fireman, that is blowing out my watering system. So god better get ready and give us rain. Going to be close to 80 the next few days and rain on Monday. The yard still is so green and the person who cuts it did last Friday.

    Love the acorns. You do such beautiful work. I know you like to be busy. Take care Love me

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