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Sunday I made Gooseberry Jelly, and learned something in the process.  The jelly turns out clearer if you strain the fruit while it is hot, instead of waiting for it to be cool so you don’t burn your hands.  Boo.

It's a bit cloudy, but still a pretty pink color.

It’s a bit cloudy, but still a pretty pink color.

The benefit to making jelly is I don’t have to do as much preparation work on the berries, but the overall quantity is about half of what I get when making jam.  Still it’s kind of fun making at least some jelly.  The red currant jelly should be beautiful now that I’ve learned the trick about straining it when it’s hot.  I’ll just have to figure out a way to keep my hands from bring burned.

Trim color is being changed from pink to yellow.

Trim color is being changed from pink to yellow.

The upper story needs to be repainted with the brown paint, still, but it’s a relatively small area.  And the sunroom also needs to be repainted brown.  So nice to see the trim color being changed, and it is starting to look all final colors.  Exciting!!  Such a long time getting to this point.

We have more semi-major improvements we’re discussing for this summer, expanding our solar panel array which means some electrical work, a new controller, and wiring.  And we’re discussing putting in a pressure tank instead of using a cistern and gravity feed for the water for the house.  That is one of those things where we have three different options on where to install the pressure tank, and in order to accomplish any one of those final options, we’ll need to do a bunch of other things to make it possible.  Fortunately Dan gets to figure that stuff out 🙂

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