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Getting Buried in Fruit

Struggling to keep up with the harvest of fruit this year. It is all getting ripe at once.


From left to right, top to bottom, red currants, gooseberries, cherries, raspberries, more cherries, and strawberries.

So far we’ve harvested and frozen 3 gallons of gooseberries, 3 gallons of red currants, a couple of gallons of pie cherries, one and half gallons each of red raspberries and strawberries.    The red currants are almost all picked.  The gooseberries have hardly been touched – yikes!.  We’ve picked about a quarter of the pie cherry tree.  The June bearer strawberries are about done, and the red raspberries are just hitting their stride.

Soon the black raspeberries, blueberries, and josta berries will want attention.

I’ll worry about making jam later 🙂

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