Feed on

Forecast is for a chance of snow overnight once again.  At least it goes away during the day.

April 15th Mish was five years old.  He celebrated as only a cat can.

Being 'roadkill' while napping in the middle of the floor.

Yesterday we picked up our new car.  We traded in our two other Subaru vehicles for various reasons, and purchased a new Subaru.  It’s the perfect blend of performance and off-road capabilities, and it is going to be the best birdwatching car we’ve ever owned.

Happy birthdays to us for 2013. Now we just need some actual warm weather in which to go birding.

No hummingbirds here yet, which is fortunate for the little fellows.  It’s too cold for them overnight, and since we keep getting rain or snow as the sun goes down, it is the absolute worst weather for hummingbirds.

We did go to a local lake to see if there are any spring migrants back, and saw Hooded Mergansers, American Coots, Redheads, Lesser Scaup, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Marsh Wren, and this little guy, a Song Sparrow.

The sparrow as the only one who got close enough to have a decent picture.  We also saw a Great Blue Heron, standing in a little creek.

Back home again, playing with critters. Terry showing off her style.

She was on my knee getting some pets when Mish awoke from his afternoon siesta, and he’s just intensely jealous.  He jumped in my lap and I had my hands full keeping the macaw from crunching his  tail.  It can get exciting putting my hand in front of her beak when she’s intent on grabbing, so she doesn’t actually connect with any cat body parts.  He settled down out of beak range, purring like crazy about being allowed in my lap for the first time, when Terry was there first.  He’s spoiled.

One Response to “Snow melted…again…tomorrow morning who knows”

  1. laura kidd says:

    So glad to see your new blog news. Nice car. Know you will have so much fun out looking for the birds. At first I thought that Mish was a bear. The cat and bird get along? he is beautiful

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