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Spring sunset

The stormy weather we’ve had so far this month has given us some really pretty skies right as the sun dips below the horizon. The temperatures keep dropping down in the low to mid 20’s, and then into the 40’s during the day, to go with rain and snow, depending on the time of day.

Turbulent clouds dropped an inch of snow overnight out of this storm, and then it all melted away by mid day. The moisture is good for the ground but the river may have some flooding this year as a result of all the spring storms.

We are expecting some warmer-ish weather next week, and we can start our garden project in earnest.  We have collected landscape cloth and hardware cloth to put below the raised beds we are going to build from 2×12 cedar boards, two rows tall, so the beds will end up being about 22″ deep.  Between the beds, the paths will have bark mulch for a ground cover, to keep the weeds under control and keep moisture in the ground as much as possible.  It is going to be a lot of work.  We’re also putting in a paving stone floor in the grape arbor in the middle of the garden.  That part of the project is the first to undertake this next week.

We are going to put a smaller wire mesh around the bottom of the garden fence, to keep the hares from coming through the fencing.  The adults can’t make it, but their babies can easily and they make a lot of babies this time of year.  A baby rabbit has to eat a lot to grow up fast.  Hopefully they will all stick with the abundant wild food outside of the garden, this year.  We’ll have to electrify the fence as well.

Munching the first new grass, below the windows in the sunroom.

This bunny didn’t mind me taking his picture out of the window, or watching him.  But when Mishkin hopped up on the windowsill and growled at him, that was all a bit much.  It was time to scamper off as fas as possible, back to the safety of the carport.  Mish thought that was exciting and he ran as fast as he could to the windows by the bird cages to see if he could spot the rabbit running.

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