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Gardening progress

Today we spread most of the landscaping cloth and almost all the bags of bark mulch.  Roughly three fourths of the garden has been mulched now.  The kids were back today and they did so much work, it was simply amazing.

Most of the rabbit fencing is tacked up along the bottom of the main fence.

Strawberry plants are set in the first bed in this picture, and in the second long bed, already filled with dirt, other early season seeds were planted today.  Lettuce, radishes, carrots, spinach, cabbage, swiss chard, beets.  Only about one third of the bed has been planted.  In another couple of weeks, we’ll plant some more of these same seeds, and then in another couple of weeks another batch.  That will give us a longer harvest before it gets too hot for these sorts of plants.

Raspberry plants are all along this fence edge. Hardly any green leaves are showing, yet. But soon they should be visible.

Four blueberry plants, six red currants, and a gooseberry all share this space near the grape arbor. These berry bushes are all just barely showing buds. Now they won't have to compete with the grass and weeds, at least not as much.

Once we have spread the rest of the landscape cloth we have, and the last bags of bark mulch, we will be better able to figure out how much more we need to buy.  And then the kids can go back to being ants and filling the beds with dirt.  Hopefully all the infrastructure on the garden will be completed within the next couple of weeks, including the concrete paver path connecting the two arbor patios together.  And we will have some green leaves!


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