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October 29th Sunset

Last night we were treated to a really spectacular sunset, just as the firewood guy brought up a load of firewood.  Which reminds me, we need to stack that away today.  Just one more full load of firewood and we’ll have the woodshed stocked up for the coming winter.

It was funny, we drove to town yesterday to do some shopping and didn’t notice any hunters driving around in their pickup trucks “hunting” for deer.  We’re sure that isn’t a particularly successful way to go about doing that, but it is a good way to get out of the house all way and drink beer while driving, which is what most of those guys are doing.  We remarked on the lack of orange clad drivers, but then found out hunting season ended on Friday.   We are so up on current events – not!  It’s nice that is now safer to go for a walk in the woods and safer to drive on the roads.

Intense color stretched all the way across the sky, horizontal and vertical.

The color of the sky is reflected in the birdfeeder globe cover. It makes an ethereal glowing spot against the dark black of the mountains.

The sun is now setting in a notch a bit farther south than our house's latitude along the western horizon. Each day that spot creeps farther south. It is a fiery glow.


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