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Aspens – October 23rd

The Aspen trees still hang on to the majority of their leaves, but some are starting to fall on the gravel driveway.

The first leaves on the driveway.

One pale yellow leaf is holding onto the rain drops that fell this morning.

Rain drops on an Iris leaf, having a race to reach the ground.

Behind and above the house, golden Aspen leafs twittering in the breeze.

We drove down to the river today, to see how the fall colors are coming along.

Cottonwoods reflected in a deep pool on a bend in the river.

More reflected colors in the river shallows.

Back to a knitting project I started a while ago, and then promptly got distracted by something else.

This one is going to take months to complete.  Much fun!

The other thing we did today is lots of cooking ahead for next week.  The cookstove got a good work out fixing breakfast and then baking things to put into the fridge.


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