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A Bear and Sunset

This morning Terry announced a bear was in the driveway.  Actually, the way she said it was ‘THERE IS A BEAR IN THE DRIVEWAY!!!” followed by scrambling around on her perch and generally carrying on.  Opal and Mishkin were both justifiably concerned by this announcement.

While the bear was frozen with shock at the unfamiliar sound coming from our house, I nabbed the camera.

"I'm outta here, that is loud and sounds scary!"

"Feet... don't fail me now"

Dan was a little miffed as he didn’t get to chase this very large black bear off with a well-placed bb-gun shot to his posterior.  Terry thought she had done a good job notifying her flock (and everybody within a mile of our house, no doubt), of the danger.  Opal thought the Raven that flew over later was scarier.  Mishkin wondered what all the noise was about, but he wondered from the top of the stairs where it was safe and he couldn’t see anything.  Oro just thinks Terry is hysterical sometimes.

The day has been full of excitement.  Dan woke me up early today, needing help removing a mouse from under the large speaker, where Mishkin had trapped it and was playing with it but not interested in actually catching his little buddy.  Mouse Rodeo first thing in the morning is one way to wake up, but a hot cup of tea is better 🙂

Another sunset.

Lots of drama in the skies around here, at times.

P.S.  We just added a Mallard to our yard list, which is a sure sign it’s raining too much!

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