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First spring bear visitor

We’d seen evidence bears were up and around, but hadn’t seen one in our yard until yesterday.  We see bears around here, starting in May and this year is no exception.

Walking around in the fresh new grass growing next to the garden we are building.

A pretty small, probably two years old, black bear, cinnamon color. They have really thick fur.

We were watching from the window next to Oro’s cage.  Oro had been watching the bear warily but quietly, until we showed up to join the show.  Then Oro started yelling about the bear, very excited that we were watching too.


The bear was 100 yards from the back of the house, down the hill, but when Oro started making commentary, it was noticed.

Looking around cautiously to see what was making that racket.

A mouth full of fresh yummy grass attests to what our bear neighbor was up to, down the hill from the house.

This is just the fellow we will want to keep out of the garden when things are growing and ripe.  We still need to figure out the electric fencing, but since nothing is growing, it is far down on the priority list.

Brandon, don’t show your boyfriend this post, or you’ll never talk him into visiting!

One Response to “First spring bear visitor”

  1. Brandon says:

    Ha! I’m packing right now and there’s a fresh round of “There’s bears outside!”

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