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After the Solstice

The days are already longer, a whole minute perhaps!  It might a slight exaggeration to claim to be able to see the difference.

Clear weather has returned and our solar panels will be able to produce sufficient energy to top up the batteries, a good thing since our generator is feeling puny.  We bought it in 1986, and can’t imagine why it is acting up.  Dan will give it some oil today and see if that makes it feel better.

Ice crystals in the air catch the early morning sun and turn the air shades of rose.

I love how the higher peaks are completely white from frost.

This morning Mishkin informed Dan, upon arising, that there was a live mouse under my purse and would he please move the purse.  A well-trained servant, Dan moved the purse and Mish pounced, grabbed the mouse and then immediately released it so that it could run again.  Well, evidently we haven’t conveyed the true scope of his mouse catching duties.  He just thinks they are the coolest wind-up toy around!  “For me?????”

So Mish has been trying to herd Dan over to where the mouse is hiding next to the DVD case, all day long.  His method of herding consists of getting right in front of Dan and trying to trip him.  This could end poorly if he succeeds.

I’m going to make something new tomorrow, called a “Sachertorte” from my “Joy of Cooking” cookbook.  It’s a gigantic chocolate macaroon, basically, which is split in half and raspberry jam installed in the middle, and then covered with a chocolate glaze.  I’ve read this recipe for years and never tried it.  Should be interesting!

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