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December 5th Snowfall

Annoying as it may be sometimes, the weather forecasters got it right yesterday and they seem to have it right for the next few days.  We woke up to +7F for our low temperature, and tomorrow it is predicted to be around -6F.  That means our snow isn’t going to go away this time like it has been doing.  Winter appears to have arrived.

Tiny dry snowflakes accumulated yesterday, giving us a couple of inches by our house, and many more inches further up on the slopes. The ski resort must be deliriously happy today.

The snow kept knocking us offline yesterday, or the clouds.  Something was definitely wreaking havoc with our internet connection.  Today we have clear skies and once we brush off the solar panels, we will get great solar gain on our power.  There is no hurry to get outside however, as the sun won’t begin to touch the panels until around 11 am.

This light fluffy snowfall did nothing to weigh down the branches on the pine and fir trees downhill from our house. It just makes them look like flocked Christmas trees.

One creature in the woods is deliriously happy about the change in the landscape.

Snowshoe Hare blend in perfectly with virtually everything around them, now. This particular bunny was running joyously past the front deck, leaving his foot prints as a memento of his passing.

Inside the house it is business as usual.  Dan built a fire in the wood stove in the living room, and later today we’ll build one downstairs in the laundry room wood stove.  It will make the batteries happy and better able to store and retain the power from the solar panels.

"Cats don't play fetch." This is his motto, mouse evidence notwithstanding. Amazingly, he hasn't gotten tired of his game and his toy mice can be found in every room and under most pieces of furniture when I do vacuuming.

Yesterday while it was snowing, I spent hours finishing the knitting chart on my computer.  Hurray!  It’s done and everything lines up.  Any mistakes will become apparent while I’m knitting and I can adjust the chart to fix it.

This is the middle of the chart and it repeats this basic pattern for another few hundred rows.

Once the chart was done I could pull out the knitting and put lines on the chart to correspond to the markers already in place on my knitting, and then figure out where I was on the pattern.  It was confusing but I finally got my point of view sorted out, and I can start knitting again.

I've finished knitting row 250 on the chart; only 486 more rows to go before knitting the top border.

If I can manage to knit 8 rows a day, it will take me two months to finish this, assuming I have enough yarn made, which is not likely.  So I’m figuring another probably 4 months.  Having the chart on the computer makes it easy to keep track of each row while watching television in the evening.  Happiness is a knitting project.

No Responses to “December 5th Snowfall”

  1. Kerry says:

    Happiness is a knitting project? Now you tell me!! hahaha.

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