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Ever since last winter when I realized that I couldn’t eat gluten anymore, I’ve been looking for a good bread recipe, one that would meet with approval from Dan.  He bought a couple of really good gluten-free baking cookbooks and I’ve been making things from them, and searching for a bread recipe that would make good peanut butter and jam sandwiches, and toast.

Success!  This one is excellent.  I’m so happy I can hardly sit still 🙂 and I want to dance around the house.  I can’t do that, however, as our parrots tend to get carried away and start yelling and even screaming.  I can never tell if they approve or want me to stop before I damage their little minds.  So, I will be using my energy for plumbing today instead.

This is a moist loaf, great texture, perfect color like a good 100% whole wheat loaf, and excellent taste.  Happiness reigns supreme!

This is a moist loaf, great texture, perfect color like a good 100% whole wheat loaf, and excellent taste. Happiness reigns supreme!

I’m just delighted, but being reserved and restrained in my enthusiasm, as usual.

This is a very odd thing to wake up to in July.



The past several days we’ve had thunder and lightning, and very fortunately a lot of rain along with the storms.  So much rain, in point of fact, that our house is shrouded in fog this morning.  The air feels so soft and carressing on my skin.  It’s just lovely.  More rain is predicted for the next couple of days, along with thunder and lightning.  The woods are pretty drenched at the moment, and it looks like fires near here would be highly unlikely from lightning strikes.  There is always a risk of a human caused fire as a result of some idiot doing something stupid or criminal.  So far, though, so good.

It’s hard to be worried about something like a forest fire, or plumbing, when I have a loaf of bread in the refrigerator.

No Responses to “Finally – a Good Bread Recipe!”

  1. Marie says:

    I finally added your blog to our favorites (actually, I think it was there, but we forgot what the O=Zone was!) – now it says The Owen’s! One of these days I will post more on Facebook.

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