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Baby pictures

This baby fawn is less than a week old, most likely.

The pictures are a bit fuzzy because I took them through the glass window in the front door.

"Look, Mom, the grass is short!  Walking is sure easier here."

"Look, Mom, the grass is short! Walking is sure easier here."

Our macaw as making a racket about this time, alerting us to the deadly predator in the front yard.  She has been on a roll today, yelling at all sorts of creatures.

Baby got past the distance comfort zone, and headed back to mother.

Baby got past the distance comfort zone, and headed back to mother.

Pretty good at walking.

Big ears, and paying close attention to what the mother was saying.

Big ears, and paying close attention to what the mother was saying.

The mother deer was staring at the house trying to decide if it was too dangerous or not.

She is really focused on the noise coming from the house.

She is really focused on the noise coming from the house.

She decided it was no big deal, and the baby was allowed to explore again, and then they headed up the hill.

They will be around here pretty much all summer.

They will be around here pretty much all summer.

We usually have several does and fawns here.  Since we don’t have dogs outside, the does leave the babies by our house to play and run around while the adults are munching everything in their path.  Like my flower beds.

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