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Blossoms and Bearglary

Flowers are blooming next to the house. I hope the burglar, err bearglar, enjoyed sniffing them!

More Columbine
Yes, more Columbine.

We discovered we had a visitor last night, one who wreaked havoc on our front and back decks. Mainly he or she was looking for something to eat because no doubt some moron people have taught them to expect food next to a house.

A rip in the seat of our old leather couch.
A bite mark and claw marks in the back of the couch.

Fortunately it didn’t taste good so the damage as of now is limited to these two places. The couch has been sitting on the deck waiting for our friend to come collect it. Timing is obviously everything because if he had been here on a more timely basis it wouldn’t have this damage. It’s not totally irreparable but won’t look anywhere near as nice now once the rips are repaired.

Grrrrrrrr. Isn’t that what you’d say to a bearglar who had just bearglarized your house? We will call the Fish & Game people tomorrow when they are back in the office and see if they can bring a live trap to capture this particular bear. We saw the F&G people hauling one of the culvert traps up the road a couple of weeks ago and we kind of suspect this might be the same guy causing trouble.

The last time we asked for a live culvert trap was in Montana when we had a black bear breaking into our garden. Imagine our surprise when we captured a large male Grizzly bear instead! I will never forget the sound that trapped bear made when I walked up to the culvert trap, or his extremely long claws he stuck out through the wire mesh. That won’t happen this time.

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