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Snowy day.

Today was a good day to stay inside and take it easy.

Mishkin has the stay inside and don't do much down to a fine art.

Mishkin has the “stay inside and don’t do much” method down to a fine art.

It snowed all morning long but since it’s also slightly above freezing temperatures the snow didn’t amount to anything except the beauty of falling snowflakes.

Finished 500 rows of knitting so far, and starting another new ball of yarn.

Finished 500 rows of knitting so far, and starting another new ball of yarn. It is starting to get long.

Love the color of this yarn and I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to go about blocking the finished shawl for days now. I definitely need a plan, one that will exclude cat participation.

Haven't made a pineapple upside down cake for years and this baked perfectly. We'll see how it turned out this evening.

Haven’t made a pineapple upside down cake for years and this baked perfectly. We’ll see how it turned out this evening. I haven’t tried this particular recipe with gluten free flour before. That’s always somewhat of a mystery, whether or not it will work.

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